Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My New Home Away from Home

The Primary Building a.k.a. The Yellow Building

Our new educational facilities have been likened to the grounds of Harry Potter's school! There are grand staircases, glistening chandeliers and fabric covered walls. The buildings are quite breathtaking both inside and out and offer a variety of outdoor activities. There are tennis courts with basketball hoops, known as a pitch by my British Counterparts, outdoor swimming pools and a wealth of trees. Like so many things in Romania, this setting is A-typical when thinking of a new school.

In contrast to the romantic picture created above, my classroom is quite standard, at least in some ways! I have been given the old swimming pool changing room!!! It, unlike many of it's neighboring rooms, does not have fabric covered walls or dangling lights. Rather we have brown paint and fluorescent squares! Unfortunately it is a bit small; however, the close setting creates a very cozy environment! We are located right next to the cafeteria, once the swimming pool, which offers the benefit of never being far from food!

There are some interesting logistics at the school. There are fences all around, and you can only enter using a swipe card. Parents are restricted to a small area, far from our main building, and have been invited into the school only once. We are allotted a certain amount of paper monthly as well as erasers, known as rubbers, and other basics. All classrooms have interactive whiteboards which unfortunately do not interact! All students are required to wear "indoor shoes," meaning that students have two pairs: one strictly for outside and one strictly for inside. This action was required to help preserve the carpet. One more detail..... handicap accessibility is not important; there are no ramps or consideration for such things.

This school year has been memorable to say the least!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

What a neat experience to go and teach somewhere else. It is so fun to read about your adventures!!