Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Paying Bills

Paying bills is really no fun in any country, but I have discovered it is especially interesting here. I'm the kind of person who enjoys collecting my bills, writing a check and mailing them, as a set, all in one sitting. In Romania this simply isn't possible!

The bills arrive in a variety of conditions. Some come in sealed envelopes while others are opened, without envelopes. And those incredibly important ones can be hand delivered. Regardless of their arrival status, none include return envelopes. Now, you may ask, "how do you mail these important documents?" The answer is..... you do not mail them! Bills are taken to the billing company building and paid at a desk( cash, not check, mind you). As you can imagine, this has completely changed my routine!!!

Another fascinating aspect of living in a once communist country is the division of the bills. I have always only paid for my own living quarters. I have not split the cost of heating, electricity, water, etc. with any other tenants; however, that now has all changed. My electrical bill, for example, is equally divided amongst the entire building. Therefore, if you have used no air conditioning, but your neighbor used it all the time, you lighten the burden they would carry alone and pay for part of their electrical.

These are just some interesting observations to ponder!!!


Lindsey said...

Yuck! That does not sound good at all! It sounds like the first place I lived in in Wheatland. Remember when I didn't have hot water and my electric bill was through the roof?! It sucks having to share things that you may not even use. I feel your pain!!

Angela said...

I am Romanian and now living in US for the past 8 years. It's fun to read now about my country in a blog. Anyway you were not lucky to live in a building where you don't have your own electric meter. In my building we installed those so we are paying only what we are using, electric, gas and water :))