Sunday, September 2, 2007

International Travel

The flights over here were great and quite an experience in comparison to domestic travel! We were showered with food, hot towels and a very friendly flying staff. Unlike domestic travel, with meals we were given real silverware. We had drink service constantly and were continually treated to free beverages. The beverages available varied from water to cognac! It should be noted we even received a sandwhich, candybar and drink on an hour a half flight! We were also treated to two movies: one quite appropriate for children and the other made me blush at times! Flights from Germany were a bit more formal and they were quite thorough in their inspection of our bags. Once reaching Bucharest, formality was thrown out the window. We arrived with all of our baggage and walked through customs with no delays. I shall definitely look forward to traveling through Europe in the future.

1 comment:

Candice said...

Alison! So wonderful to hear from you! My heart sinks and leaps with every word you write. Goosebumps filled my arms and legs as I read every word. I feel for your let down and then soar for your up lifts. I'm so excited for you and all so scared at the same time! How wonderful to have your mom with you! You are in my prayers and thoughts every day. It is hard knowing I can't just pick up the phone and call you when I'd please, although I did try today!