Friday, July 11, 2008

Farewell to Romania

One final thought......It has been one heck of a ride!

I will be departing this fine country in less than seven hours and must say I do so with a few pangs of sadness. Don't get me wrong, there are no regrets, but I do mourn the loss of my European experience just a bit.

Romania, specifically Bucharest, has managed to get under my skin! Although not always an enjoyable city, it does have a buzz which will be hard to find in any other location. I began my time here disliking this place; however, as I depart I've discovered dislike can turn to acceptance, which in turn grows into contentment and finally appreciation for all its quirkiness.

I have only a few more stories to share. In order to build your anticipation and longing for this fantastic blog, you will have to wait until I have a more reliable Internet connection and have slept off the jet-lag!