There truly is not a single answer for this question. Naturally I have been delighted to return to a land I know and love! Being in close proximity of family is a definite plus and there are some comforts (which you rely upon unknowingly) that I am pleased to take part in. Such things as soft brown sugar, full size kitchen trash cans, readily available mailboxes, wide open spaces, controlled and organized traffic and silence are all amenities I whole-heartedly welcome!
I have told many that my overseas experience does indeed have a bit of a surreal glow. When I first arrived home, all my surroundings and people were familiar. I had not traveled to any location where this phenomenon had happened in over a year. Coming back to a place where I knew what to expect, where to expect it or when made me feel as if I had never left. I very easily fell into the ol' familiar routine of being a country girl, a family girl and a Wyoming girl. (It should be noted that I am proud of all of these statuses, grateful for owning them!) Being with those you love and are loved by can be replaced by no location, experience or plane ticket.
Acknowledging the above, I feel quite comfortable saying there are aspects of life abroad that I truly miss! While in Romania I received a token box which stated, "Awaking in an unknown place is one of the most pleasant sensations possible." I cannot deny this expression. There is a certain level of adventure and anticipation which cannot be achieved when on familiar ground. Seeing parts of the world did not shorten my travel list; rather it lengthened it! I now know there is a plethora of experiences waiting to be had! Meeting new people of varying backgrounds and experiences is an easier feat when abroad as well as taking part in their culture.
Not to be overly abrupt, but I feel there is a lesson in my endless ramblings! I suppose location has very little to do with happiness! It is an experience, which can add to surface level happiness but cannot create it. Whether home or abroad, I will always miss something and be grateful for it when I return! During this time of Thanksgiving I am grateful for not only my experience overseas but also the ability to return home. I regret neither going or returning; I'm simply excited I have been able to do both!
As with anything, I love pictures. This last post is accompanied with photos since my return!
~Aahhh, my own belongings! I shall not take for granted having my personal possessions! A dining room....such a luxury!
~Caught with a could be worse ;-)
~I believe the quote, "A picture is worth a thousand words" is appropriate here.
~Camping...even with rain, I missed this sort of adventure!
~A family photo! Rounding up the troops for this split second memory takes more effort than one would expect!
Thank you for reading! I appreciate your support as well as your ability to trudge through my writing!
Luvs and Hugs,